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About us

What is ALYVE UK?

Action for Local Youth Voice Empowerment UK (ALYVE UK) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) - a form of charity. We were registered on the 14th of January 2019, and founded as a 'Rejuvenating Politics' initiative of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe - the pan-European forum for local and regional representatives.

What do WE do?

Our charitable aim is to advocate for and support local youth forums - groups led by young people (people aged 12 to 26), which aim to understand and advocate for young people’s views within the local area in which they are based - across Scotland and other parts of the UK. We do this through three main avenues: research, advocacy, and funding!

Meet the team!

ALYVE UK is run by its charity trustees, who make up its Board. The trustees, as well as being responsible for making the financial, legal, and governance-related decisions that the organisation faces, are also the main volunteers for the organisation: running our activities and implementing our projects.

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Benn Rapson

Chair and Charity Trustee


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Lewis McDermott

Treasurer and Charity Trustee


  • Charity Trustee for Scouts Scotland.

  • Former Vice President Welfare and Charity Trustee at the University of Strathclyde Students' Association.

  • Former Court Member at the Universty of Strathclyde

  • Former Youth Councillor and Chair of Clacks Youth Council.

  • Former Member and Treasurer of Glasgow Youth Council.

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Megan McIntyre

Secretary and Charity Trustee


  • Member of the National Youth Arts Advisory Group (NYAAG).

  • Former member of the National Youth Council of LGBT Youth Scotland.

  • Former member of the Housing and Homelessness Commission.

  • Former member of Communic18, leading on Equality and Diversity and Enterprise and Regeneration during the Year of Young People 2018.

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Angus MacDonald


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Hannah Stewart


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Kira Henry

Charity Trustee


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© 2019 ALYVE UK

Action for Local Youth Voice Empowerment UK (ALYVE UK) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO),

Scottish Charity Number: SC048954.

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