ALYVE UK is proud to have strong ties to Europe, both through affiliation to European institutions like the European Union and the Council of Europe, but also to our partners - other youth-led NGOs from Switzerland to Spain!
European SolIdarity Corps
An Initiative of the European Union
ALYVE UK is a 'Solidarity Project' of the European Solidarity Corps, which means that our activities are co-funded by the European Union. The European Solidarity Corps offers a number of opportunities for members, including an avenue to work or volunteer with organisations abroad!
Congress of the coe
The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
ALYVE UK was founded under the 'Rejuvenating Politics' initiative of the Congress of the Council of Europe, which supports projects run by Youth Delegates in their member states. Huw Sherrard initiated ALYVE UK during his term as a Youth Delegate between the 36th and 37th Sessions.
European Union youth dialogue
Member of the British Youth Council's National Working Group, Wider Sector Network
The European Union Youth Dialogue (EUYD) is the primary avenue for youth voice at an EU level, and is facilitated in the UK by the British Youth Council through the UK Young Ambassadors. ALYVE is a member of the National Working Group Wider Sector Network, and helps implement the EUYD in the UK!